In Memory of Marhoom Al-Hajj Naleem J.P

He has been helping his home village in many ways. He used to help poor people in the holy months of Ramazan distributing basic necessities of life. He served as a chairman of China fort Mosque and continuously helped this mosque in its administrations. He has been a huge assert for Sri-Lanka. One may learn many lessons from the life of this person. (Photo:Marhoom al- Hajj Naleem)

by Dr Rifai Sulaiman

(September 27, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Today Srilankan Muslim community sadly remembers Marhoom al- Hajj Naleem at the fifth anniversary of his wafath . It would be most appropriate to recall some of his contributions and communal services in the eve of this wafath anniversary. By remembering him we may revive our Islamic feeling and revitalize our dedication to Muslim course in Srilanka. It may also encourage leaders of Muslim community in Srilanka to emulate him in their service and contribution to Srilankan communities. I would like to write down a few lines about this great philanthropist of Srilankan Muslims. Al-Hajj Naleem is one of greatest personalities of Srilankan Muslim community and indeed, we could call him as an architect of Muslim Education in Srilanka.

It is true that many Muslim Intellectuals have greatly contributed for the development of Muslim Education in Srilanka and yet the way Muhroom al-Hajj Naleem made his contribution to Muslim education is different from those of other leaders: Leaders such as Jaya, Sithe Lebbe, Aziz and Badirdeen Mahmud and all others contributed through intellectual skills and qualifications and contrary to their contributions Marhoom Naleem made his contributions to Muslim Education through his own money and wealth. He dedicated more than 90% of his own earnings for Muslim Education and we have not seen any other Srilankan Muslim wealthy person spending own wealth for a Muslim course as Marhoom Naleem did for Muslim community: He is indeed a legend and icon of Muslim Education in Srilanka: there is no parallel for his contributions and the entire Srilankan Muslim community owe him greatly for his communal services and dedication; Historical background of his period is very much significance here to note. In the last few decades Muslims were left behind other communities in Srilanka in the field of Education. It is during these decades that Al-Hajj Naleem dedicated his money and wealth for Muslim education. He timely realised the significance of education for Srilankan community as a matter of urgency during these decades: not only he realised the urgency of enhancing and developing Muslim education in Srilanka but also he swiftly took necessary steps to develop Muslim education in Srilanka.

The legacy of this pious and humble gentle man will remain vivid and vivacious in the minds and hearts of Sri-Lankan Muslims for many centuries to come. Muslims of Sri-Lanka may have physically lost this kind-hearted and benevolent personality of our community but they will never and ever forget the countless contributions and services timely made by al-Haj Naleem. Undoubtedly, al-Haj Naleem won the hearts and minds of many people Muslim and Non-Muslim people of Sri-Lanka through his dedicated and devoted services to Sri-Lanka. To recall his contributions and services to the humanity one may need many volumes of writings. However, I briefly remind some of the unique characteristics and distinctive qualities of our beloved al-Hajj Naleem. His social, religious and humanitarian legacy should be written by the Golden pens in the chapter of Sri-Lankan Muslim history. All those who knew him personally or who have heard about his humanitarian works will rightly agree with such descriptions. We will not be doing justice in appraising his services unless we see his life services in socio-economic and politico-cultural contexts of Sri-Lankan Muslims.

He was born in 1931 when the educational backwardness of Sri-Lankan Muslims was noticeable to great extent at all spectrums of our community. As a child neither he had a good formal education nor traditional learning opportunities. Nevertheless, by the grace of Al-Mighty he excelled in his business career from his very early teenage and adulthood times. He was extraordinarily talented in gem and diamond trading since his teenage time. By the help of Al-Mighty Allah he was a very successful business man in Sri-Lanka since early 1960’s. In a short spell of time he became internationally reputed and famous business man to an extent that even many foreign buyers came to trade with him in the field of Diamond business. The secret of his success is that he is very honest business man. He earned the good will and trust of the entire business community in gem trade. Traders and merchants of gem flocked to his house for his honest expertise in gen business. Not only Muslims traders even non Muslim traders came to his residence to do business with him and they trusted him that he will give them right price for their gem. His honesty and expertise in gem attracted thousands of business people. He boosted his trade and business in a short period of time.

However, his appetite for businesses and trades did not distract him from his social and religious mission. He had a clear mission and vision for his life from every early age. He lived a life of a modest and pious Muslim although he was one of the richest men in the Island and he started to pour the greater portion of his earnings in the way of Allah. It is a normal habit of rich people to indulge in a luxurious life style roaming around the world to have a life of an extravagant. The modesty of al-Haj Naleem is that he led a life of an ordinary man although he has had enough wealth and money to enjoy as many people often do. This is one of the distinctive characters of this noble man who had enough money to enjoy the worldly life but he renounced the worldly enjoyments and indulgences. Moreover, he sacrificed his wealth for the sake of his community. He had a good intention to help the poorest of poor in our community. He had big ambitions to help the Sri-Lankan Muslims community in all walks of life. I personally feel that he greatly achieved his life ambitions by the grace of Almighty Allah.

Let us examine some of his charitable works to gauge the magnitude of his apparent social services. In the early 70’s he started to go on Haj and Ummrah almost every year. Here in the House of Allah he developed a sense of spiritual feeling and commitments to work in the path of Allah by his social influence and wealth. This divine inspiration and motivations constantly persuaded him to help poor people in many ways. . He made hajj pilgrimages many times. Unquestionably; I think that Hajj journeys should have greatly influenced the thought and work of this gracious Muslim personality.

In the early 1970’s al-Haj Naleem consulted many learned people of Sri-Lankan Muslims to seek their advice and Naseeha to decide in what ways he could help his society. Once again this is a real turning point in his life. Firstly, with such power and wealth he approached our pious religious leadership to get guidance. I’m sorry to mention here how many of our rich people get advice like this? What made him to seek advice from religious peoples? He could have approached the political leadership of our community to begin with his social work but rather he approached pious people like late Murhoom Masud Alim, Thaseem Nadwi and Dr Shukri. He was rightly guided by this righteous companionship. These people encouraged him what do with his wealth and money and directed him into a righteous religious path. What made him to approach these people is miraculous question. What could be other than his strong faith and Iman in Allah and great expectation of Allah’s reward in the day of Judgement? How many of our rich people follow this path of seeking religious advice before embarking on any work? In this sense, we can say that al-Haj Naleem is a charismatic religious character who leaves impressive memories in our life. There are numerous lessons and teachings we can draw from the life of this magnanimous personality of our society. First of all, our rich people can learn from him in many ways most importantly how to spend their gifted wealth in a right path for the benefits of humanity. I hope his death is a wake up call for many of our rich Muslim brothers to emulate him and follow his footsteps in the services of our community. May Allah guide all of us to follow al-Haj Naleem in the service of our community?

With religious guidance of our pious Ulama he embarked on his social and religious works. Initially, he started his charitable and humanitarian works by helping the poorest of poor in our community to find jobs abroad or meet matrimonial expenses of the poor families. I do not know how many poor families will shed tears today by the sad news of this elegant personality’s demise. He has helped many couples and families all over the Island and in South India. He has helped many villages to build their mosques and he has offered financial assistance to many schools and Madarasas in Sri-Lanka and abroad. All these help he did with a smiling face and kindness of his heart. After all these donations and offerings he would always say Al-Hamdu-illah. It has been his philosophy to say that the more you spend in the path of Allah the more you will increase your provision in your life. This has been his firm conviction and strong belief. He used to live according to this philosophy spending countless amount of money in the way of Allah. Many mosques, schools and Madarasa throughout the sub-continent bear witness for his good deeds.

Above all, establishing the Institute of Jamiah Naleemiah for the advanced study of Islamic studies is a landmark in his charitable works. This is one more monumental work of al-Haj Naleem. When Muslims were far behind all other communities in Education, he established this institute to encourage Muslims in Education. He voluntarily established this institute in Beruwala in 1973 with his own money. He provided the hundreds of students who come to study from all parts of Sri-Lanka with full fledged boarding facilities. This is indeed, a gracious task he initiated for the service of Muslim community in Sri-Lanka. He facilitated hundreds of students in this institute by providing free accommodation, free meals and free education. By the grace of Al-Mightily Allah this institute produced many Islamic scholars and Ulama.

The graduates of this institute serve the Sri-Lankan communities in many ways. The past graduates of this institute work in many fields. Many are serving in Sri-Lanka as teachers, lecturers, civil servants, commissioners and in other fields and many more graduates are continuing their high education in abroad and many have already completed their M.A and PhD’s in various studies. Moreover, this institute is affiliated with many international universities in the Muslim world such as international Islamic university in Islamabad. This institute is a monumental witness for the good works of this kind and noble man. It would not be over exaggerated to say that this man has been a milestone in the chapter of Sri-Lankan Muslim history. He established (Iqra’) technical college in 1985 in order to help poor students in the field vocational studies. This institute has indeed, produced hundred of students in the field of vocational studies. Moreover, He initiated Islamic Renaissance Movement to revitalize and revive education in the Muslims communities. This Islamic Movement alone used to run teaching classes all over the Island particularly in A/L science and Maths Subject. Many of our Students entered the faculties of medicine and engineering with help these tutorial classes. If I were to write this article from London, it was his initiatives that guided me to come here and to complete my Ph.d from London University. Like me many graduates of Naleemiah continue their Ph.d studies with guidance of this noble person. Many leading Islamic scholars visited his Institute and appreciated whole heartedly the works and services of al-Haj Naleem. It would be beyond scope of this short article to list testimonials of those scholars.

More importantly, he hosted many academic conferences in Sri-Lanka inviting leading international scholars from Muslims countries. I could say that he was an instrumental person to introduce Muslims of Sri-Lanka to the outside world particularly in the Arabic world. Many internationally reputed personalities of Muslim world visited Sri-Lanka on his own initiative. Moreover, He hosted a conference in 1986 to carry out comprehensive researches on the ethnography of Sri-Lankan Muslims. Many Sri-Lankan historians and intellectuals contributed to this conference reading the Muslim history from various perspectives. The conclusions and outcomes of this conference are published by Dr Shukri in a book format. This is one more contribution of al-Haj Naleem to the ethnographical origin and history of Sri-Lankan Muslims.

What more is that al-Haj Naleem’s humanitarian support extends beyond the boundaries of Muslims Community. He helped many Sri-Lankan Singhalese peoples. The monks in many temples around Beruwala will certify this. He helped to construct Buddhist religious monument in Beruwela. He had very good relationship with Singhalese people. For some reasons he did not involve in politics, yet, he has been respected by all political leaders. He invited many politicians to his Institute as chief guests in many occasions. He won their minds and hearts but he was not influenced by any particular political thought and ideas. This is one more quality of this noble person.

He has been helping his home village in many ways. He used to help poor people in the holy months of Ramazan distributing basic necessities of life. He served as a chairman of China fort Mosque and continuously helped this mosque in its administrations. He has been a huge assert for Sri-Lanka. One may learn many lessons from the life of this person. An important lesson we learn from his life is that any one with money and wealth can make great contributions to the humanity if he/she has got will power and good intention to serve. We have seen such an extraordinary will power and determination in life of Al-Haj Naleem. I wonder who could be brave enough in our community to come forward and continue his humanitarian works.

It is paramount to note here that he was very kind man that he loved the orphans and poor very much. He helped Makola Muslim orphanage for many years and he was one of pioneers of those who helped Muslim orphanages in Srilanka. He also helped thousands of poor Muslim girls to marry them off and he built many mosques in his own money: Indeed, he was a man of action, self determination and devotion. He was a divinely gifted person who left behind his own personal interests in general interests of our community. He had many good personal qualities. He had been very punctual and devoted in his prayers particularly in his early morning Tahajjud. We still remember that during our time in the institute of Jamiah he used to come for the Morning Prayer from his house before us. He is such a devoted person in his daily prayers. He always maintained calm and peace in his personality. When students were on strike in 1984/5 years he was calm and quit and did not put the blames entirely on the parts of students. He wanted to treat all students with kindness and during his tenure as life president of Neleemiah he never said a word against any of us.

We pray Al-Mighty Allah to forgive his sins and mistakes and give him an eternal peace in the Jannath-Al-Firdous. May Al-Mighty Allah accept all his devotions, charitable and social works. I hope and pray that some one will come forward to write down his biography in a systematic way as a tribute to his wonderful services.

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